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Use the envoked power of prayer for improving the world, like:
- Climate
- Voting Rights
- Peace on Earth
- Gun Control
- Mental Health Care
Sometimes we use prayer for frivolous things.
Well speaking for myself.
Show your greatfulness for this
beautiful planet we've all been given,
- Climate
- Voting Rights
- Peace on Earth
- Gun Control
- Mental Health Care
Sometimes we use prayer for frivolous things.
Well speaking for myself.
Show your greatfulness for this
beautiful planet we've all been given,
Greatful and Thankful we should return the gifts given us in better shape than we received them.
Humanity is on the cross, will you give or take?
The most important gift Christ has given You, is Love.
If this ... "Pandemic" ... is a test, what else would it be, then how do you think Christ would want you — to pass the test?
hint: Take care of each other.
Do Unto others
Peacefully Protest Wrong Doing
Where Does Democracy Come From?
If you see a reason to limit Democracy to only special groups of people, keep in mind if that concept takes hold and becomes our new reality in this country ... You are next to loose it. Greed has no limits. Are you currently rich enough to never need help from your family, neighbors or friends — or the any of the benefits of our society?
Take a minute to think about this. There are lots of circumstances that can be devastating. From Hurricanes, Fires, Accidents, Earthquakes, Health issues, Floods - someday all of us, or a member of our family, will need some kind of help. Without a Democracy will help be there?
Democracy isn't cheap, it costs money. And some people believe the less we help others, the more certain groups of people will have access to more and more money.
It's the driving force to end Democracy.
Democracy is an agreement, — not a law.
It happens out of the love we have for each other.Democracy works best when no person is left out.
You kill Democracy when you live in fear of others. And if that fear of others turns to hate you just may break Democracy forever.
Sooo... if you are protesting keep it peaceful, don't scare people you loose your influence.
Democracy is an act of love, plain and simple. You have to love other people, people you don't know and likely you've never met - to have the discipline to keep a Democracy. This is why Democracy is associated with religion, it is the natural extension of society's expression of their relationship with their God. Do Unto Others, Take Care of Each Other - No Man Left Behind - all represent acts of Love.
Hold a baby today, think of the next 100 years of that baby's life and ask yourself will that baby ever need help from a relative, neighbor, friend, fellow citizen or the services we have created like the fire department, police and emergency hospitals.
The latter is society creating a system to help people more quickly. We all learn from experience and we always find ways to make things better and better.
Yes, it is true until Democracy spreads around the world - the first Democracies will have extra burdens placed on them. Maybe each burden we take on is a measure of our own Democracy's success. Maybe it's a measure of how much love we are able to give. Maybe love grows around the world with each act of kindness we as a nation sponsor.
These acts of kindness and love are done in our name. And that is Good.
Democracy is created out of love. Without it we cannot have the Middle Class we all live in and the benefits it has provided to us all.
And my answer to question "Where does Democracy come from?" is: Us.
You become closer to Christ when you give love.
Don't forget I love you.